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Wonders of Life 1

Wonders of Life 1

Professor Brian Cox claims that the laws of physics can explain the evolution of life.
30 Mar, 2013
Cheating with chance

Cheating with chance

Analogies like winning the lottery dont rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis because, unlike winning a lottery abiogenesis didnt have to happen.
27 Feb, 2013
Charge the hill

Charge the hill

Like the leaders at Vimy Ridge did in WW1, Christians need to charge the hill of supposed
29 Jan, 2013
Where are all the people?

Where are all the people?

Population growth calculations are consistent with the biblical truth that everyone on Earth today is descended from the eight survivors of Noah
09 Jan, 2013
Why do Christians defend evolution

Why do Christians defend evolution

Evolutionists can be Christians because Christian belief is not defined by a denial of evolution but they are being logically inconsistent in believing in both.
27 Oct, 2012


Hell is the place people go when they reject God’s loving plan of salvation.
16 Oct, 2012
Evidence for God

Evidence for God

People often ask, "How can you believe in God when there isn't a single shred of evidence—how can you take that leap of faith?" But on the contrary, the Bible tells us that "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." and "... since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
04 Oct, 201201:00
Common old earther errors

Common old earther errors

Old-earthers defend their compromise on the traditional plain reading of Genesis by appealing to the text and history against what they actually say.
27 Aug, 2012
Young universe evidence

Young universe evidence

Many very different clocks point to an age of the universe much younger than the billions of years widely assumed.
28 May, 2012
Peter the Apologetic

Peter the Apologetic

The Apostle Peter made apologetics a requirement for all Christians when he wrote to 'Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have'. Christian apologetics involves both giving a reasoned defence of the Christian faith against objections, and setting forth positive grounds for Christianity. In the origins debate there is both powerful evidence against evolution and strong scientific support for the accuracy of the Genesis account of creation. Find more at Creation.com.
10 Apr, 201200:49


The term 'apologetics' comes from the Greek word 'apologia' meaning 'defence'. It refers to the type of defence given in a court of law. Christian apologetics is the reasoned defence of the Christian faith against objections. The Apostle Paul said: 'We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God...' (2 Corinthians 10:5) Christians today need to study apologetics as we love the Lord with our mind as well as our heart!
10 Apr, 201200:43
Sound bites sound science

Sound bites sound science

For people who want to defend their faith, it pays to be aware of common skeptics
05 Jan, 2012
Flood models flat earthers

Flood models flat earthers

The Flood/post-Flood boundary is most likely found generally in the late Cenozoic, and the world
04 Dec, 2011
Biblical creationists

Biblical creationists

If we call ourselves YECs, it permits us to be marginalized by old-Earthers
04 Oct, 2011
Historical Adam biologos

Historical Adam biologos

Francis Collins and BioLogos have used erroneous assumptions to conclude that genetics disproves a historical Adam and Eve.
20 Aug, 2011
Smithsonian evolution top 10 consequences

Smithsonian evolution top 10 consequences

Smithsonian comes up short when it tries to give the top 10 examples of evolutionary consequences.
05 May, 2011