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The peacock spider

The peacock spider

The tiny peacock spider has a colourful, mesmerising courting ritual that has to be seen to be believed.
06 Feb, 2019
Coral: The animal that acts like a plant, but is an active predator, and makes its own rocks for a house

Coral: The animal that acts like a plant, but is an active predator, and makes its own rocks for a house

Coral reefs are fascinating evidence of an extraordinary sea creature with unique functions.
09 Jan, 2019


Capybara, the world’s biggest rodent that seems to get along with everything.
28 Nov, 2018
These spiders aren't dummies (or are they?)!

These spiders aren't dummies (or are they?)!

These spiders copy themselves by sculpting larger duplicates complete with eight legs and animate them like puppets to fool predators.
19 Nov, 2018
Catfish, big and small

Catfish, big and small

The size variation in catfish is extraordinary—from the Mekong Giant Catfish to home aquarium species such as Corydoras.
07 Nov, 2018
Mirror spider 'like a disco ball'

Mirror spider 'like a disco ball'

Rapid colour change in mirror spiders, sequined spiders and similar ‘white’ spiders derives from crystalline guanine in guanocytes.
03 Oct, 2018
Goats can read human faces!

Goats can read human faces!

A new study shows that goats can differentiate between human facial expressions—an evolutionary conundrum.
20 Sep, 2018
Cannibal deer

Cannibal deer

Cannibal deer are observed eating carcasses, showing how meat-eating/carnivory began after the Fall.
20 Aug, 2018
The sloth: Slowest mammal on Earth

The sloth: Slowest mammal on Earth

Why does a sloth hang upside down for most of its life?
13 Aug, 2018
The atlatl (woomera) and the heron’s neck

The atlatl (woomera) and the heron’s neck

Some have speculated that the idea of atlatl/woomera-assisted spearthrowing came from watching herons use their crook-neck posture to hunt.
08 Aug, 2018
Bird-brainy birdsong

Bird-brainy birdsong

Sophisticated and rapid cognitive processing is required for birds to sing duets and 4-part synchronized choruses
16 Jul, 2018
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’

Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’

Evidence is against Australia’s dingo being responsible for the mainland disappearance of its marsupial counterpart, the Tasmanian tiger/wolf/thylacine.
25 Jun, 2018
Elephant Genome re-written elephant theory

Elephant Genome re-written elephant theory

Elephant Genome Project overturns previously held evolutionary models, and discovers a new species of elephant.
31 May, 2018
what did sea creatures eat pre-Fall

what did sea creatures eat pre-Fall

What fish ate before the Fall.
21 Apr, 2018
The non-evolution of the horse

The non-evolution of the horse

A horse is a horse; of course, of course.
07 Mar, 2018
Helpful animals

Helpful animals

Why do animals help each other?
02 Aug, 2017