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A new star is born?

A new star is born?

A new brittle star has been discovered—but it’s identical to Jurassic fossils!
17 Jul, 2023
Galapagos tortoises

Galapagos tortoises

Galápagos giant tortoises are an icon of Darwinism. But they merely refute the Lyellian fixity of species idea; natural selection and variation are part of the creation model
07 Feb, 2011
Book review: 'Animal Algorithms' by Eric Cassell

Book review: 'Animal Algorithms' by Eric Cassell

A review of Animal Algorithms by Eric Cassell.
07 Jul, 2023
Caterpillar wheel

Caterpillar wheel

The Pleuruptya ruralis caterpillar has a rapid escape strategy of curling itself into a wheel, and quickly rolling backwards.
21 Jun, 2023
Dance of the web-weavers

Dance of the web-weavers

These awesome orb weaver spiders are good dancers—and master web architects, too
19 Jun, 2023
Shrinking dates for the Falkland Islands wolf

Shrinking dates for the Falkland Islands wolf

The presence of the warrah in the Falkland Islands can be explained better within the biblical timeframe.
26 May, 2023
Migratory birds use magnetic GPS

Migratory birds use magnetic GPS

Migrating birds use GPS based on Earth’s magnetic field
24 Apr, 2023
Where wolves wander

Where wolves wander

Introduced wolves control elk population and cause diversity in ecological zone with beavers, birds, and beasties.
23 Feb, 2023
Bats have an innate knowledge of the speed of sound

Bats have an innate knowledge of the speed of sound

Programmed bats innately know the constant speed of sound. Their echolocation system depends on it.
06 Feb, 2023
Bats have a sixth sense that sees Earth’s magnetic field

Bats have a sixth sense that sees Earth’s magnetic field

Bats ‘see’ the earth’s magnetic field
14 Dec, 2022
Cephalopods' 'earliest' ancestor - no signs of evolution

Cephalopods' 'earliest' ancestor - no signs of evolution

Well-preserved fossil of soft bodied earliest cephalopod ancestor looks just like modern squid, evidence for the Flood.
18 Oct, 2022
The bear family provides evidence of an intelligent Creator

The bear family provides evidence of an intelligent Creator

Variety in bears.
20 Jan, 2016
Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter

Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter

The tapetum lucidum of Arctic reindeer eyes changes colour from summer gold to winter blue.
29 May, 2017
The magnificent ‘flying’ frog

The magnificent ‘flying’ frog

Wallace’s flying frog can glide up to 15 metres (50 feet).
16 May, 2022
The mysterious giant squid

The mysterious giant squid

Despite scoffers/skeptics, the legends and stories about giant squid, Architeuthis, are actually based on fact.
11 Jun, 2014
Whale sharks

Whale sharks

Whale sharks are amazingly designed, and have teeth on their eyes instead of eyelids for protection.
11 Apr, 2022