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Wayne frair creationist university experiences

Wayne frair creationist university experiences

Veteran creation biologist Dr Wayne Frair recounts his experiences as a creationist student in zoology departments of several universities in the 1940s and 1950s.
22 Mar, 2011
Fossil ETs on meteorites

Fossil ETs on meteorites

Claims of ET fossils on meteorites do not stand up under scrutiny
15 Mar, 2011
Aliens, UFOs and the Bible

Aliens, UFOs and the Bible

Every day there are hundreds of UFO sightings. Are they alien spacecraft as many people believe? What do we really know about this intriguing phenomenon? In this fascinating video, featuring UFO authority Gary Bates (author of "Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection"), youll finally get answers from observational science and the Bible. http://creation.com [http://creation.com]
10 Mar, 201101:05


08 Mar, 2011
Martian fossils

Martian fossils

The discovery of mineral-rich clay rocks in the Martian Nili Fossae is not proof for life on Mars.
25 Nov, 2010
Avatar Aspirations

Avatar Aspirations

Science fiction, such as Avatar, helps create belief in aliens piloting UFOs
26 Jun, 2010
"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

Can spacecraft be reaching us from light-years away? Is there life on other planets? Are people really experiencing alien visitations and what does all this have to do with the debate on origins? This presentation digs deeper and unravels the truth behind the vast amounts of misinformation surrounding the UFO phenomenon. It’s even more disturbing than most think.
30 Mar, 2010
Did God create life on other planets?

Did God create life on other planets?

In recent news, the Vatican has called in experts to study the possibility of extraterrestrial alien life and its implication for the Catholic Church and the Christian faith.
19 Nov, 2009
The Fourth Kind

The Fourth Kind

A review of the movie The Fourth Kind about alien abductions, including hypnosis
09 Nov, 2009
Reaching out at Roswell

Reaching out at Roswell

Reaching out to ufologists at Roswell
14 Jul, 2009
The return of the Nephilim?

The return of the Nephilim?

06 Jun, 2009
Taking creation evangelism to the streets!

Taking creation evangelism to the streets!

06 Oct, 2008
NASA astronaut Ed Mitchell says aliens are with us.

NASA astronaut Ed Mitchell says aliens are with us.

12 Aug, 2008
Nucleic acid bases in Murchison meteorite?

Nucleic acid bases in Murchison meteorite?

Nucleobases from Murchison meteorite?
25 Jun, 2008
Death of a guru

Death of a guru

The passing of Sir Arthur C. Clarke has many talking about his legacy. But renowned Alien Intrusion author Gary Bates has some sobering advice for those who hold Clarke’s works in high esteem.
25 Mar, 2008
Christians shaped by experiences rather than the 'Bible first' approach

Christians shaped by experiences rather than the 'Bible first' approach

22 Dec, 2007