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‘DNA Journey’ traces the ancestry of celebrities in Africa

‘DNA Journey’ traces the ancestry of celebrities in Africa

Response to a question about the out-of-Africa evolutionary hypothesis, mitochondrial Eve, and implications for racism, and valuing humanity.
25 May, 2023
How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

The oldest of Egypts pyramids fit comfortably within biblical history and timescale as post-Flood and post-Babel monuments.
17 Feb, 2021
Church forests

Church forests

Church forests in Ethiopia preserved biodiversity.
20 Apr, 2020
The Vredefort Dome, South Africa

The Vredefort Dome, South Africa

Explaining the formation of the Vredefort Dome was stymied by the wrong approach.
10 Jun, 2019
The problem of the wet Sahara

The problem of the wet Sahara

Both creationists and uniformitarians have trouble explaining how the Sahara become a desert.
10 Aug, 2018
‘Animal salad’ points to catastrophic demise

‘Animal salad’ points to catastrophic demise

Langebaanweg West Coast Fossil Park.
30 Apr, 2018
African invasion of the bodysnatchers

African invasion of the bodysnatchers

Darwin-inspired bodysnatchers used various methods to source the remains of native people from Africa, Australia and other countries.
21 Sep, 2014


hyena, aardwolf, striped hyena, spotted hyena, brown hyena, insectivory, carnivory, scavenging, natural selection, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, The Lion King, cowardly, villainous, reputation, Hyenas have a reputation for being cowardly, villainous, scavengers. But not all hyenas fit that Hollywood (e.g. Shenzi, Banzai and Ed in The Lion King) stereotype.
14 Jul, 2014
African holocaust

African holocaust

The atrocities committed on the African people by the German empire in the late 19th century were done by men who believed in racial inequality and racial extermination.
28 Nov, 2013
Noahs flood Africa

Noahs flood Africa

The Story of Earth and Life by McCarthy and Rubidge documents the events of Noah’s Flood but they do not recognize it because of their belief system
04 Sep, 2012
African planation surface

African planation surface

A new synthesis of African planation surfaces concludes that there is one large, warped planation surface on Africa, called the African Surface.
24 Aug, 2012
Cape Town geology

Cape Town geology

The geology of the spectacular mountains around Cape Town provide amazing evidence for the events of Noah
03 Jul, 2012
Giant footprint

Giant footprint

14 Jan, 2012
Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

The Recent African Origins theory cannot explain human origins because it assumes the Standard Neutral Model of evolution, which cannot mimic real-world mutation and natural selection rates.
02 Jul, 2010
A Tale of Four Countries

A Tale of Four Countries

07 Nov, 2008
'Out of Africa' theory going out of style?

'Out of Africa' theory going out of style?

02 May, 2007