Were Adam and Eve real people?Some Christian thinkers have been influenced by evolution to the point where they are questioning the Genesis account of creation including rejecting a historical Adam.Podcast03 Feb, 202123:56
The Pre-Adamic Man: Were There Human Beings on Earth Before Adam?Dr Hugh Ross believes in the same general sequence of events and the same order of appearance as evolutionists. Although he believes that God made Adam from the dust, he also accepts the evolutionists’ long-age interpretation of the fossil record. But human fossils are found ‘dated’ earlier than Adam’s genealogies could possibly allow.Podcast01 Feb, 202117:33
Original SinHow does our understanding of Adam’s sin affect our understanding of how Jesus saves us? Is it important that Adam is historical? What do the New Testament authors have to say?Podcast28 Jan, 2021
Countering creation skepticsSkeptics accuse creationists of pushing ‘bad science’ and religious ideas. This episode examines evolution according to the evolutionists own criteria.Podcast27 Jan, 202124:17
Energizing your spiritual growthScience, creation, Genesis and spiritual growth. How do these things relate to each other?Podcast20 Jan, 202123:31
The Carnivorous Nature and Suffering of AnimalsYoung-earth creationists believe that the biblical account of creation is incompatible with an earth history of billions of years. One reason is that if the fossil record represents millions of years of Earth history, it has to be said that God’s method of creation was both cruel and wasteful.Podcast19 Jan, 202130:27
What is Atheism?What Is Atheism? Lack of belief in God or a denial that God exists? Can atheists explain the origin of the universe, life, rationality, or morality? Keaton Halley and Dr Jonathan Sarfati explain why the revisionist definition of atheism as a “lack of belief” is just a gimmick to shift the burden of proof. It’s not only mistaken, but a dishonest debate trick. Atheists have a burden of proof that they cannot sustain, because the evidence for God from creation is plain to all. In fact, it is so clear that those who deny it are “without excuse” (Romans 1:18–20).Podcast14 Jan, 202112:45
Grand Canyon - Evidence for Noah’s FloodGrand Canyon is often used as evidence for gradualism and evolution, however, examining the canyon shows that catastrophe, rather than time, carved it. Join us as we explore the Canyon via river raft. The geology of Grand Canyon testifies to the massive catastrophe that caused its formation.Podcast13 Jan, 202124:06
Who or What Is the Trinity?The Trinity is central to our understanding of who God is. But many Christians struggle to explain or defend this central doctrine. What does the Bible have to say about this important subject?Podcast07 Jan, 202114:03
Pluto: another young planetData from the 2015 flyby of Pluto confirmed biblical creationist predictions and posed serious challenges for the ‘millions of years’, evolutionary story.Podcast06 Jan, 202124:29
The Parable of the Cupboard and Genesis 1:29-30The next time you discuss this topic with an old earther or theistic evolutionist, try out this helpful parable to explain the relevance of Genesis 1:29–39 and Genesis 9:3–4 on the topic of pre-Fall death and carnivory.Podcast05 Jan, 202106:51
What Are the Christian Roots of Science?Why did science flourish in medieval Europe while it was stillborn ancient Greece and China? What is needed for science to work in the first place? Were the Middle Ages really dark? How did the Reformation help further growth of science?Podcast30 Dec, 202016:32
Why does the evidence always point to evolution?The book of Romans says that the evidence of God’s creation is ‘clearly seen’ by all and that people are ‘without excuse’ for their disbelief (Romans 1:20). If evidence for creation is that obvious, why then does it seem that public education and media almost always present evidence as pointing to an evolutionary conclusion?Podcast30 Dec, 202023:56
Creationists damage Christianity?Are biblical creationists damaging Christianity by ignoring modern science? We have been accused of that, but the truth is exactly opposite. Science supports Scripture.Podcast23 Dec, 202023:41
Who Designed the Designer?Many ‘New Atheopaths’ have pushed the Sunday-school argument “Who made God?”, although Christian apologists answered this long ago.Podcast22 Dec, 202018:19
Gospel Dates and ReliabilitySome people say that the Gospels are not reliable accounts because they were not written by eyewitnesses and only committed to paper long after the events took place. How do we know we can trust the Bible’s accounts?Podcast17 Dec, 202019:33