Origin of LifeThe origin of life reveals a “chicken-and-egg” dilemma for naturalism. Dr Batten examines why life’s complexity points to the need for an intelligent Creator.Podcast25 Nov, 202452:32
5 Failed Predictions of Evolution Five failed predictions of evolution, from mature galaxies to “junk DNA.” Dr Don Batten shows how the evidence supports a creation-based perspective.Podcast21 Nov, 202423:43
Why Radiometric Dating Fails: A Creationist’s PerspectiveRadiometric dating depends on assumptions, often leading to conflicting results. Dr. Mark Harwood discusses how this impacts its reliability and the Bible’s timeline.Podcast14 Nov, 202430:11
A Tale of Ancient ToothpasteDr David Catchpoole reveals how an ancient toothpaste recipe challenges the idea that early humans were primitive, offering insights from a biblical view.Podcast11 Nov, 202405:42
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths About Church HistoryMyths about the church’s history are debunked. Dr Sarfati highlights topics like Galileo and the Crusades, showing Christianity’s true impact and influence.Podcast07 Nov, 202446:12
Why Carbon Dating Supports a Young EarthDr Harwood explains how carbon dating supports a young Earth, revealing surprising results in coal, diamonds, dinosaur bones, and aligns with Bible history.Podcast31 Oct, 202430:11
Using Bible History to Interpret the Rocks and LandscapesBiblical geology challenges the assumption of gradual processes, using the Creation and Flood events to explain Earth’s rock layers and geological history.Podcast28 Oct, 202410:00
Opals Show the Earth is YoungDr. Tas Walker reveals how opals form rapidly under the right conditions, supporting evidence of a recent global Flood and God’s promise, rather than millions of years.Podcast24 Oct, 202422:36
Why God Is the Best Explanation for RationalityWhat explains human reasoning? Dawn Blount interviews Keaton Halley about rationality, consciousness, and evolution. They God and evidence for the soul.Podcast15 Oct, 202429:22
‘You Should Be Feeding the Hungry’Creation ministry fuels global outreach by inspiring trust in Scripture, strengthening churches, and supporting both spiritual and physical needs.Podcast12 Oct, 202407:21
Mutations: A HUGE problem for EvolutionMutations aren’t the engine of evolution—they’re its end. Join Dr. Don Batten as he explores how mutations destroy, rather than create, new genetic information.Podcast10 Oct, 202417:45
The Brain Didn’t Evolve – A Psychiatrist Explains WhyIs unguided evolution a reasonable explanation for the complex human brain? Join Dr. Dianne Grocott for a discussion on brain origins and the case for design.Podcast03 Oct, 202438:18
Why Did God Give Us a Book?To love God’s Word is to love God. But out of all the media through which God might have given us His revelation, why did He choose a written medium?Podcast30 Sep, 202406:55
Archaeology Confirms Old Testament Kings Really ExistedArchaeology supports the Bible’s claims about King David, Hezekiah, and Belshazzar. This interview elaborates and shows the Bible is historically accurate,Podcast26 Sep, 202435:30
Without the Old Testament, The New Testament Doesn't Make SenseIs the Old Testament irrelevant? No! Rev. Peter Howe explains that it is utterly indispensable to the New Testament and to a true Christian worldview.Podcast19 Sep, 202433:03
15 Questions for EvolutionistsEvolution: the naturalistic origin of life and its diversity. The General Theory of Evolution, as acknowledged by prominent evolutionists, includes the origin of life. Take the question evolution quiz.Podcast16 Sep, 202412:24