Why should we trust the Bible?Biblical authority has been called the ‘issue of issues’ for Christians. This episode summarizes historical milestones that have led away from biblical authority.Podcast16 Jun, 202123:32
Are Extrasolar Planets a Problem for the Bible?Planets around other stars? Are they real and how do we know? Is there life on them? With all those planets and such a huge universe, why should God care so much about Earth?Podcast09 Jun, 202117:26
Do we all come from two people?Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This episode looks at specific arguments by bible skeptics and shows how wrong they are.Podcast09 Jun, 202123:33
Did Humans Evolve From Ape-like Ancestors?If humans did not come from apes, then what are we to make of Lucy, Neanderthals, and Homo erectus?Podcast03 Jun, 202118:14
The Bible: Word of God or word of man?All Scripture is God-breathed, yet it was written by men. So, can we really trust it as completely accurate, or were factual errors included by the Bible's human authors?Podcast02 Jun, 202124:54
Origin of First Life: Chemical Evolution vs Real ChemistryCould life have arisen from non-living chemicals via chemical evolution? If life couldn’t start by itself, then Darwinian evolution could not have started, therefore it is a fiction.Podcast27 May, 202115:38
Life from non-life?Has the law of biogenesis (life begets life) been broken? Evolution says yes. However, when established scientific laws that describe the natural world are broken we recognize that as supernatural, or miraculous. So then, does the origin of life require the supernatural?Podcast26 May, 202124:10
Programmed Filling, Not Natural SelectionGary Bates and Robert Carter discuss an idea that is popular in some creationist circles: programmed filling. While the idea does have merits, it is limited in its scope, especially after the entry of death into the world. Programmed filling is also associated with a rejection of natural selection in general, to which CMI does not agree.Podcast20 May, 202126:55
Five atheist miraclesDo atheists believe in miracles or magic? They would say no, but believing that everything can develop without a supernatural creator requires it.Podcast19 May, 202125:23
The Flat Earth MythThe ancient Greeks well before Christ had realized that the earth is a globe by observing lunar eclipses. The flat earth’s two main proponents were obscure figures in the third century named Lactantius and Cosmas Indicopleustes in the 6th century. The flat-earth belief was extremely rare in the Church.Podcast17 May, 202116:06
Natural Selection Is Fact, & It Is NOT Evolution64 Natural Selection is Fact, & It Is NOT EvolutionPodcast13 May, 202122:12
The atheist's creation storyAll thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from.Podcast12 May, 202123:33
Planets Around Other StarsScientists have searched for years for planets orbiting other stars. These are called extrasolar planets or ‘exoplanets’. Today there are research teams around the world searching for extrasolar planets with greatly refined research techniques. As of writing this article, there are over 450 objects catalogued in exoplanet lists.Podcast10 May, 202112:31
Vestigial Organs Is a Vestigial ArgumentWhat does “vestigial” really mean? Are alleged vestigial organs evidence of evolution or devolution? How the notion is a science-stopper by hindering research on these organs.Podcast06 May, 202116:47
Gain of function mutations: not evidence for evolutionGenetic mutations are occasionally beneficial, activating new functions in living things. These kinds of changes do not support evolution but fit well with biblical creation.Podcast05 May, 202123:52
The Earth: How Old Does It Look?If someone says the earth is old — you can agree with them, so long as you define what you mean by old — it’s really, really old, in fact it’s ancient. Some six entire millennia have elapsed since God made the world in six real days.Podcast04 May, 202116:43