Why the Human Body Did NOT Evolve
Thursday 29, Aug 202439:08
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For years, medical doctor / psychiatrist, Dr Dianne Grocott, never questioned evolution. But when evidence was presented to her that contradicted the billions-of-years-of-evolution narrative, she was left asking, “Why wasn’t I told this?!”
Her own training in medicine enabled her to clearly see how features of the human body which she had previously been told were amazing outcomes of evolution, are in fact products of incredible design and goal-oriented planning. In fact, it is inconceivable that processes such as the blood clotting system, or birth, could have been cobbled together over numerous iterations of trial-and-error. No organism would have survived such experimentation with its vital, complex, interconnected biological systems!
The human body simply did NOT evolve! Join Dr Grocott to find out (just SOME of the reasons) why!