Why Evolution is a Fairytale for Grown-Ups
Thursday 22, Aug 202423:20
Most people have been told that evolution is good, observable science. But industrial chemist, Dr Stephen Grocott, says evolution is actually based on a series of ‘once a upon a time’ stories—and that even most scientists don’t realize that evolution is not, in fact, observable science. These are bold claims! But are they defensible? Join us as Dr Grocott (himself a former evolutionist) explains why he believes evolution is a fairytale, and provides some fascinating supporting evidence!
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Is There Evidence for Evolution?
- The Impossible Problem of the Origin of Life
- Earth can’t be Old — Answering the Critics
- Why the Creation-Evolution Issue is so Important!
📚 Helpful Resources
- Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels, book + blu-ray
- Dismantled (blu-ray)
- Evolution and the Christian Faith (book)
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