Why Does God Allow Death & Suffering?
Wednesday 14, Feb 202442:17
One of the most-asked questions by both Christians and non-Christians alike is: ‘If God is a god of love, why is there so much death and suffering in the world?’
The Bible actually provides a clear explanation for how the world came to be in this state. God didn’t make it this way—we did! In fact, God has gone to extraordinary lengths to rescue us from the very painful mess we have gotten ourselves into. In the process, He experienced the worst of suffering and death—and in fact conquered them ‘from the inside’ so to speak. Christians need have no fear of suffering and death!
Why, then, do so many Christians still struggle with this question?
Find out why evolutionary thinking is at the heart of the problem, in this helpful discussion with author, speaker, and researcher, Gary Bates.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Why would a loving God allow death and suffering?
- How did bad things come about?
- If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen?
- Death and Suffering Questions and Answers
📚 Helpful Resources
- Why would a loving God allow death and suffering? (booklet)
- Beyond the Shadows: Making sense of personal tragedy (book)
- Christianity for Skeptics (book)
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