Why Do Children Lose Their Trust in the Bible?

Tuesday 31, Mar 202007:12

I was able to catch the children’s attention when talking about natural selection, variation within a created ‘kind’, the origin of ‘races’ where all people came from, and, of course, dinosaurs. The Bible suddenly became connected to the real world. It wasn’t just a book of stories about morals to beat them over the head with. It dawned on them that the Flood of Noah was real history accounting for much of the geology we see in the world today, the Tower of Babel could account for the origin of different people groups, and that the Bible explains dinosaurs and so on.

This episode article podcast produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at our donate page. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out the podcasts.

✍️ Links and show notes

Original article: Why Do Children Lose Their Trust in the Bible?
Steve Jones and Hans Christian Andersen
Biblical worldview project for parents and grandparents
The “indoctrination” of children

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The Genesis Academy
Exploring Dinosaurs with Mr Hibb

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