Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory
Thursday 04, Jul 202424:05
Watch Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (mentioned at the end of the podcast) here.
In this discussion you will learn how the very nature of real science gives us a better understanding of why scientists come to very opposing conclusions.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
‘It’s not science’: Is evolution ‘science’ and creation ‘religion’?
“This changes everything!” The right perspective makes a big difference
Faith and facts: How a biblical worldview makes best sense of the evidence
Science Questions and Answers
Dinosaur soft tissue
How the Joggins polystrate fossils falsify long ages
Folded rocks
Little-known facts about radiometric dating
Diamonds—are the really that old?
Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution
G.K. Chesterton: Darwinism 'Is an Attack on Thought Itself'
Darwinism and World War One
📚 Helpful Resources
Evolution: Good Science? (book)
Dismantled: A Scientific Deconstruction of the Theory of Evolution (DVD)
Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (book + DVD)
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