Testimony to the Flood

Tuesday 24, Nov 202009:42

Only the powerful runoff of Noah’s Flood would provide the force needed to slam these boulders together and hammer the percussion marks. As in so many other parts of the world, the evidence for the global deluge is overwhelming.

This episode article was written by Michael J. Oard and podcast produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at our site or simply text a donation to 84321. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out the podcasts.

✍️ Links and Show Notes

Original article: Testimony to the Flood
The remarkable African Planation Surface
It’s plain to see
Continental-scale erosion
Eroding ages
Creation in-depth: The mountains rose
Noah’s long-distance travelers
Retreating Stage formation of gravel sheets in south-central Asia
Planation surfaces formed by river piracy?

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📸 Picture from The Maritime Explorer

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