Join industrial chemist Dr Stephen Grocott as he takes us on a personal journey through evidence that challenged and changed his worldview.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
Is evolution ‘science’ and creation ‘religion’?
Origin of Life
Helium gives evidence that the earth is young
Helium evidence for a young world continues to confound critics
Why the Earth Can’t be Old!
Nickel concentration indicates young oceans
Origin of life: the chirality problem
Algae to oil
How fast can oil form?
Bent rocks
Why Life Couldn’t Have Evolved from Non-Living Chemicals
The Impossible Problem of the Origin of Life
📚 Helpful Resources
The Stairway to Life book
Chemicals to Living Cells video
Evolution Impossible book
An Industrial Chemist's Origin of Life Cookbook audio
By Design: Evidence for Nature’s Intelligent Designer book
Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels book & documentary
Dismantled documentary
Busting Myths: 30 Ph.D. Scientists Who Believe the Bible and Its Account of Origins book
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