If Darwin Knew This, Would He Still Be a Darwinist?
Thursday 05, Sep 202445:22
📺 Get free access to the thought-provoking documentary ‘Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World’ here.
If Darwin was alive today, knowing what we know about living things, would he still be an Evolutionist? Charles Darwin’s theories changed what the world believes about biological naturalism. His contributions to science are legendary, yet he knew nothing about the complexity of living things.
Our guest, Dr Robert Carter, is a marine biologist and geneticist. He’s studied Darwin’s work, examined the Galapagos Islands firsthand, and debated the origins of life with skeptics.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Why Evolution is a Fairytale for Grown-Ups (video)
- Does evolution justify unbelief? (article)
- A family tree for all humanity? (article)
- ‘It’s not science’ (article)
- Why Life Couldn’t Have Evolved from Non-Living Chemicals (video)
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