How We Teach Children the Truth of Creation

Thursday 22, Oct 202015:03

Teaching our sons and daughters a biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do as Christian parents. Even from a young age, our children are absorbing information about origins through storybooks, cartoons, and documentaries. It is important for parents to be proactive in presenting our children with a biblical answer in all aspects of learning. One of the primary audiences of the Scripture, “always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1Peter 3:15), would be our children no matter how young or old.

This episode features Erin Hughes and Keaton Halley. Talk is produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at visit our site ( or simply text a donation to 84321. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out Creation Talk.

Helpful Resources

The Creation Answers Book Creation Answers for Kids Fallout The Genesis Academy Exploring Geology with Mr Hibb Exploring Dinosaurs with Mr Hibb The Creation Survival Guide

Links and Show Notes

Why I Teach My Kids Evolution Who Is Going to Give Your Children Their Worldview? Revisiting the FALLOUT! Monkey Minds Raising Godly Children and this other video

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