Review of William Lane Craig’s ‘In Quest for the Historical Adam’
Thursday 24, Mar 202231:36
In the last few years, apologist William Lane Craig has attacked biblical (‘young earth’) creation. However, he is not enamoured with many of the other compromise views. In 2021, he published a book, In Quest of the Historical Adam. He concluded that Adam and Eve were a real original couple who gave rise to all humans, and who committed the first acts of sin. But they were a pair of Homo heidelbergensis who lived perhaps 750,000 years ago. Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Keaton Halley of Creation Ministries International offer their analysis.
This episode features Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Keaton Halley. Talk is produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA studios. Become a monthly contributor at our donate page. Share your thoughts in the comments and share the video with your friends!
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Review of ‘In Quest of the Historical Adam’ by Craig
- William Lane Craig on creation and anthropology
- The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve!
- W.L. Craig’s ‘original’ views on original sin
- William Lane Craig’s intellectually dishonest attack on biblical creationists
- William Lane Craig contra The Genesis Account
- William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood
- ‘From the beginning of creation’—what did Jesus mean?
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