Answering Questions About Genetic Entropy
Thursday 14, Oct 202119:56
The idea of genetic entropy is simple: species decay over time because mutations build up in populations over time. Yet, evolutionists strongly resist this idea and often use false arguments to try and explain it away. Keaton Halley and Dr Robet Carter discuss this important topic and show how evolutionists play fast and loose with the facts. In the end, genetic entropy is a strong refutation of darwinian evolution.
This episode features Dr Robert Carter and Keaton Halley. Talk is produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA studios. Become a monthly contributor at our site. Share your thoughts in the comments and share the video with your friends!
Helpful Resources
Genetic Entropy
The Wonder of Science
Evolution Impossible
Links and Show Notes
[Genetic entropy: The silent killer] [Plant geneticist: ‘Darwinian evolution is impossible’] Genetic entropy and simple organisms More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy Critic ignores reality of Genetic Entropy Responding to supposed refutations of genetic entropy from the ‘experts’ The Great Dothan Creation/Evolution Debate
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