Why Did Dinosaurs Go Extinct?
Thursday 12, Jan 202320:53
Why did dinosaurs go extinct? Did you know that there are over a hundred theories by secular scientists for why dinosaurs died out? Did an asteroid strike cause the extinction of dinosaurs? Why doesn’t this theory work? How do biblical creationists explain the extinction of dinosaurs if dinosaurs and man once lived together?
This episode features Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay. Creation.com Talk is produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA studios. Become a monthly contributor at our donate page. Share your thoughts in the comments and share the video with your friends!
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Dinosaur Questions and Answers
- Did a Chicxulub impact wipe out dinosaurs?
- What about dinosaurs? (Creation Answers Book, Ch. 19)
- Did Dinosaurs Go Extinct Millions of Years Ago?
- “Who was Mrs Cain?”
- Was There An Ice Age?
📚 Helpful Resources
- Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air
- Exploring Dinosaurs with Mr Hibb
- Dire Dragons: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth series
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