Earth Can’t be Old — Answering the Critics
Wednesday 05, Jun 202449:46
Why do biblical creationists insist that the earth is ‘young’? Hasn't science proven that it is millions/billions of years old?
Where does the ‘6,000 years old’ figure come from, anyway—and is the methodology used to get that figure defensible? What did the church fathers believe? And for Christians, isn’t this whole topic just a massive distraction from the ‘real’ issues of the Gospel?
Join Dr Mark Harwood for an engaging discussion in which he responds to some of the challenges skeptics have posed following his previous, highly popular, podcast on the age of the earth.
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Why the Earth Can’t be Old
- 101 evidences for the age of the Earth
- Did God create over billions of years? And why is it important?
- ‘It’s not science’ The importance of understanding ‘science’
- How radiometric dating methods work
- Does carbon dating prove millions of years?
- Learning the lessons of Mount St Helens
- How does the Bible teach 6,000 years?
- The History of Interpretation of Genesis 1–11
- If the world is old, where are all the people?
- Dinosaur soft tissue
- Iron preserves dinosaur soft tissue?
- DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone
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