Does Egyptian History Fit With the Bible?
Thursday 28, Mar 202437:11
Secular ‘experts’ have often claimed that there is no evidence that the Hebrews lived in Egypt. If this is so, then the entire history of the book of Exodus—which is foundational to understanding God’s dealings with humanity throughout history, and which is repeatedly referred to throughout the rest of the Bible—is a lie!
Are these ‘experts’ correct? Or, if they are wrong, how could they be so wrong?
Join researcher, author, and speaker, Gary Bates, for a fascinating and helpful look at the many ways in which Egyptian history lines up perfectly with biblical history. The evidence is there, provided you look in the right time period!
✍️ Links and Show Notes
- Egyptian chronology and the Bible—framing the issues
- Who Was the Pharaoh of Exodus?
- Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?
- Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history
- Why are there so many differences of opinion?
- Was Pharaoh Shoshenq —the plunderer of Jerusalem?
📚 Helpful Resources
- Tour Egypt (booklet)
- Patterns of Evidence: Exodus (documentary)
- Evidence for the Bible (book)
- Mizraim, Archaeology and the Search for Noah in Egypt (MP3 audio)
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