Designed to Adapt?
Tuesday 12, May 202014:37
The standard source of the new information needed in evolutionary theory has long been mutations—inherited changes in the DNA which until recently have been assumed to be almost exclusively random, i.e. genetic copying mistakes. An obvious implication is that any purposeful adaptation system would have been intelligently designed to generate the variety needed for creatures to be able to survive and adapt in this fallen world.
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✍️ Links and show notes
Original article: Designed to Adapt?
Muddy Waters
Speedy species surprise
Genetic entropy and simple organisms
Beetle bloopers
The evolution train’s a-comin’
Can mutations create new information?
The adaptation of bacteria to feeding on nylon waste
Gene duplication, protein evolution, and the origin of shrew venom
Developmental system plasticity—a brief initial assessment of extent, design, and purpose within the creation model
Nylon-eating bacteria: part 1—discovery and significance
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 3: current theory on how the modified genes arose
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 4: interpretation according to Coded Information System theory
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 2: refuting Ohno’s frame-shift theory
Evolutionists disagree on how evolution happens
Science reinforces faith in God
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