Secular Scientists Blast the Big Bang
Thursday 14, Nov 201913:39
The price of succumbing to the lure of secular acceptability, at least in physics and astronomy, has been heavy. We have long warned that adopting the big bang into Christian thought is like bringing the wooden horse within the walls of Troy. The Enemy of souls is seeking to seduce believers into embracing a subtle deadly way of evading the authority of the Bible.
This episode article podcast produced by Joseph Darnell out of the CMI-USA office. Become a monthly contributor at our donate page. You can also help out by telling your family and friends to check out the podcasts.
✍️ Links and show notes
Original article: Secular Scientists Blast the Big Bang
Physicists: The universe had a beginning
Is evolution allowed by scientific laws?
Hawking atheopathy
The importance of correct history and theology
The largest structure in the observable universe, or cosmic variance?
📚 Related Resources
Dismantling the Big Bang
Creation Magazine
The Genesis Academy
Creation Answers Book
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