Technical question

Send us theological or scientific questions.

Please read the following instructions carefully.

CMI receives many dozens of questions daily. Many questions are already answered on our site. Please visit the Q&A pages and look through the relevant categories, as well as searching with related keywords.

If after searching our site, you cannot find an answer, please ensure your question meets the following criteria in order for it to be considered for answer.

  • It must be related to creation and not unrelated issues.
  • It must not be a request for us to rebut a YouTube video, blog, or website.
  • You must submit your real name and contact information.
  • It cannot contain any profanities.

Please note that any submission becomes the property of CMI to publish as we see fit. Submissions in violation of the above rules will not receive a reply.

As pointed out in these feedback rules, your submission becomes our property. CMI may consider publishing your comments, with or without a response.